Jim Novak

Jim Novak

Microsoft Business Applications MVP and Dynamics 365 Technical Architect specializing in XRM development in the Federal Government space

Courses Available

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Azure Functions and SharePoint

Use Azure Functions to extend Dataverse and SharePoint integration

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Guest Appearances

  • Building XrmToolBox Tools
    60 Minutes 

    Power Platform 24 Conference February 2020

    Build a new XrmToolbox plugin from scratch: Implementing the base plugin interfaces, designing your user control, testing, and sharing with the world through NuGet.

  • Liquid Templates in Power Portals
    60 Minutes 

    Power Platform 24 Conference 2019

    Take a look under the hood of Dynamics Portals one of its building blocks: Liquid Templates. Where did Liquid Templates originate, where can we use them in our Portals Solution, and what are some real world examples of customizing Power Portals with Liquid Templates.

  • 2020 - Meeting Recordings
    Working with Liquid Templates in Power Portals
    60 Minutes 

    xRMVirtual User Group Recordings

    Take a look under the hood of Dynamics Portals one of it's building blocks: Liquid Templates. Where did Liquid Templates originate, where can we use them in our Portals Solution, and what are some real world examples of customizing Power Portals with Liquid Templates